Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Learning to sit up & stand up himself

Nowadays, Eugene is trying to stand to sit-up & stand-up by himself. Everyday no matter at his grandma's house or at home, once we put him on the mattress he will start to crawl and lean on the anything that can support him to stand up.

At his grnadma's house, the mattress will be pushed to lean against the sofa so with the sofa as a supporting, he will quickly crawled over and start to use his hands and legs to make himself stand up and then within a few seconds up he goes onto the sofa.

At home, he espically like to climb to lean against my bed and then let himself automically fell onto the mattress on the floor. He thinks this is fun and will climb up again and go repeatedly doing the same patterns. Both me and hb had a hard time trying to catch hold of him afraid that he will hurt himself but he always ended up smiling at us!

Celebration of Ah Gong's Birthday @ Din Tai Fung

Mummy treating Ah Gong for a meal for his belated Birthday Celebration. Suppose to celebrate on the day itself, but Mummy bringing me to a Gathering with many mummies & babies, so decided to celebrate one week earlier. However, that day Ah Gong can't make it cos he had toothache so it was delayed until now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mummy wanted to treat Ah Gong for a Japanese dinner because it was mummy's fav food as well, so that make 1 stone hit 2 birds! Then Daddy saw the restaurant 'Din Tai Fung' and suggested having a change of food so we all ended up in that so called famous Dian Xin restaurant. While all of them are having their delicious Dian Xin, I am not left out too! Mummy made a very delicious porridge for me which consists of brocolli, carrots and ikan powder.

Taking a photo together with the 'Shou Xin Gong' - Ah Gong

Ah Ma take me over from Ah Gong..........looking passionately at Ah Gong.

I better face the camera for a nice photo with Ah Ma & Mummy!

Hey now a personal photo of myself liao!